Critical Narrative
I am actually extremely pleased with this assignment! I would most definitely rank this in my top 5 assignments I have turned in so far. The 'Daddyless Daughter' piece allowed me to truly tap into the central event that I believed has shaped my life which would be the fact that my BIOLOGICAL dad did not raise me. For the longest time, I've tried to push how I really felt about the situation in the back of my mine and not think about it. But, I believed I needed to share this so that I could answer the question of "Who Am I?" For the design aspect of the piece, I decided to give it the theme of a tree. At the foundation, or roots, of the tree I explained the scenario (as I was told) about how my BIOLOGICAL dad was not a part of my life but how I was blessed to have a man that raise me that showed me love and taught me a lot of the things I now know. My first snapshot truly captured my innocence, emotions and thoughts as I met my biological dad for the first time. Even though this man had birthed him, I had no clue who he was. To me, this was like meeting a stranger for the first time. In my second snapshot, I describe what it was like feeling rejected by my BIOLOGICAL dad. I would go to spend time with him and he would not be there. I was pissed that I would waste my time going to his house and he would return a couple minutes before I was supposed to leave. And instead of taking my anger out on the source, I took it out on my mom. I was mad at her for choosing an unfit man to be my father and mad that my BIOLOGICAL dad was missing out on the important things in my life. In the third snapshot, I talked about how my home life affected my school life. I began to at out in school and treat everyone around me horribly because I was feeling horrible. I would not change a thing about this assignment! I honestly poured my heart out and left everything in the Prezi.
I am pretty happy with this proposal! I revised it a lot from the original draft. I edited the methods section of the proposal by adding how I planned to break my paper down and the best way I thought would express my sources would be by culture, media, and a personal interview. I added a little history into this section when I probably should have made a separate heading for that. I included heartbreaking facts about how black slave women were treated by the white slave master. This information was extremely hard to document because it was said to find out that this was how your group of woman had been treated for so long. I then added how I found Officially Ice's Top Ten Reasons Black Guys Prefer White Girls blog which was written by a celebrity (Ice T) black man who is married to a white woman. And then had stumbled across a counter blog to his blog titled Ten Reasons Black Women Prefer White Men. I also added how I wanted to interview this girl named Jessica in my learning community. She was a white girl who had been dating a black guy for a year and I wanted to hear first hand what challenges they faced. Lastly, I added a chart displaying the Black Women stereotypes versus the White Male's to show why there may be a disconnect between these 2 groups of people getting together.
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Annotated Bib
I would say that this piece is as polished as it could get. I started out by selecting my different sources and annotating what each was about which gave the viewer an inside look into the sources that I found. By doing this, I was the reader got the jest of what my source was about. When choosing my sources, I wanted to make sure that each of them were different. One dealt with identity, another with black women, another with mixed children and one with acceptance. By doing this, it allowed the viewer to get many different perspectives about interracial couples and the struggles they faced. It wasn't hard connecting the sources to one another because each of them had aspects in common. For example: The identity article related to Dries article about "mixed" or "biracial babies because Gee's article allowed me to understand how much your 'Nature-identity' can affect you. Once a person has a child with someone of the opposite race, it creates some problems. There's nothing the child can do to change the fact that they are of mixed race and the preconceived notions or box they are placed in. Some people will stick them into the "black" category just because one of their parents are black. Because a child is not one race, many will treat them certain ways assuming what "kind of person" people think they are.
Genre Piece
If I were going to revise this video, I would shorten the video because it ended up being 23 minutes long (I believe) and honestly that is too long for a YouTube video. People normally quiet watching after 10 minutes and if people did that with my video they would truly be missing out on some great information. I think I included too many sources in my final video. I wanted to give my viewers as much information as possible to support my inquiry questions and it might have been too much for a YouTube video. I am glad that I actually done a video because I got to incorporate how I truly felt about the topic and put emotion behind it. But I had never made one before and it took a lot of time to edit, cut, and upload it. I believe I had a great introduction that pulled people in and made them want to watch it. If I had more time, I would probably have added Jessica and Zak's interview. I had some trouble uploading it because it was an audio and not connected to video so I had to leave it out. Personally, I believe this video is good but with some simple changes it could be better!